Sunday, 25 September 2011

La nuit de la fête des vendanges

24th of Sept was officially the first day of the wain festival in the whole swiss french canton also known as La fête des vendanges.

Unfortunately, lex,mimi n I were so drop dead tired and alex was too wasted, while im busy being sick! But still at midnight we were motivated to head to the festival BY FOOT. Took us about 30mins of walk then it took us another 30mins to squeeze thru' the crowds. Then we decided to go back home after 15mins.hahaha!!!

Yet the thg so special about this day wasn't about the festival. It was about when we were walking to the festival, there were a few drunk youngster moving towards us n wouldnt leave us alone. Before they even approach, mimi held my hand so tight and stand right in fronta me like an eagle protecting it's precious.

His reactions were fast yet careful, always ,making sure that im right behind of him. Then the youngsters were asking weird questions and wanting some stupid answers. So mimi gave it to them, then he directly move quickly with me by his side and hands held tight.

I never felt so safe and secure in my life. To know that feeling when someone really stands up for u,would do anything to make sure u're safe.... It was like i immediately know that this is the man, the one i can relay on when im tired, knowing that i dont hv to pretend to be strong nor that he will never run away ASAP even when im in shit!

That is the kinda man i wan to have a future with, for that la fête des vendanges proves that my  man is definately the Right Man!

signin' out with love,
lizzie anne

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Let the sun shine =)

For once in my life, i understand how does it feel to be free and filled with the sweetest happiness deep down inside.When i said free, this freedom is undescribable. Having to find that person that is capable to fill your heart with that very comfort, security and love with a single touch, knowing deep down that u can shut your eyes and have a deep quiet sleep on his shoulders after all these years of struggles, that's what i call a FREEDOM to feel free and calm.

From his love, he made me realise a girl like me doesn't have to be alone, doesn't have to be cold, and doesn't have to face problems alone with a forced smile anymore. For once, i felt free to feel, to be angry, to frust, to smile and to laugh! Just to be myself and stop being afraid of every single step im taking.

At times, things got a lil steamed up between us due to certain jealousy issues, it's neither his fault nor mine. It's just ddifferent ppl , different mind, but the patience to tolerate, to swallow the pride and take a step back that he has shown through these times leads me speechless. He deserves most of my respect for that. I understand that sometimes he's doubting, scared and i just couldn't find the right words to tell him not to worry. It felt like there's so much things i wanna tell him, but the words just couldn't come out in the right way.

All i wanna tell him is that it's his hands i wan to hold onto me, not letting me go;his arms to wrap around me,comforting me; his shoulder for me to lie on when im in joy or crushed; his eyes to look at me,letting me know that he's there no matter what; his face to be the first and last wonderful thing to look at everyday; his tender lips gently touching agaisnt mine;his calm heartbeat as the most beautiful melody for me to listen to; and of coz that amazing smile he has to shine my day and be my encouragement!

Throughout all these years of damages that i've done, he's the only right and utterly beautiful thing that has ever happen to me. For he's the one who brought back my confidence, healed that scar after such a long time, brighten up the smile that i never thought i'd have and drew the most lovely fairy tale in my life =)

Monday, 5 September 2011

struck out friday night

Last friday night was epic!
Started off with a few beers with uncle,bro,a mate n sugar.
After that the fun begins went i met up some other crazy mates as well!

The fun then steamed up when we bumped into Mimi's fren Arturo, Morgan n etc.

From midnight till 3am, the DJ's dropping it hot, some chickas dancing on the top, some fights occured, drunken ass all over and we were busy getting wasted and dancing our ass off!

All in all, the night was fantastic n i had fun till d max with my sugar <3

signin' out with loads of love,