Friday, 24 December 2010

my early gift from Santa

Most of the times things happen unexpectedly when u expect less... n this week was just so sweet to me i couldnt even find the right words to describe! though M was feeling well these 2 days but today we manage to meet up at his place. It was quite a travel n i was really tired but yet i still made it to his house to spend a little time with him before he leave to Paris for Christmas <3

The more i spend time with him, the more i adore him n his kisses. Every "hello" kiss was just as sweet as ever, The hot chocolate he prepared for me today taste sweeter too! being held n holding him in my arms while watching The Town was *the moment*! just sitting on his comfy sofa! simoly as it may be, it was just the perfect relationship that i've longed for. n i was absolutely over the moon when i heard him say " je suis avec ma copine maintenant" ! woohooo!!!

Not only Santa made my wish come true, but he also gave me a strong, smart,tall,handsome n gentle man to be with! n half asian!! n the perfect relationship that's not only my dream relationship, it also manage to bring out the best in me that i feel so happy n a darling that helps me in my studies as well... whom my mom adores on the other hand. too bad myhands were to busy surrounding him that i cudnt take any picture tho... but still memories r alwys better =)

hopefully everythg will just continue smoothly

Just an old photo of us.


1 comment:

  1. glad that things are going on right for you.. merry christmas! Btw, he looks cute! =)
